Bethan Lee



The turning point for me was when I joined Fitness First in Sydney in 2013. On the personal trainer’s induction day, the course leader spent over 2 hours explaining to over 20 new recruits, the negative side-effects that artificial sweeteners could have. After listening intently to his passionate presentation on why artificial sweeteners are harmful, I decided to try to give them up that very day. 

I started reading labels and avoiding all types of artificial sweeteners in yogurts, desserts, drinks, sweets, chewing gum, biscuits and ‘diet food’. I had the classic withdrawal symptoms of headaches and major cravings but I stood strong and I’m so happy that I did. Fast forward to the present and I have drastically reduced my consumption of artificial sweeteners over those 7 years. My severe eczema has all but gone and as my gut health has improved and my body (primarily face and stomach) is significantly less bloated. In addition, I have heaps more energy to put into my workouts and everyday life. For me, vastly reducing artificial sweeteners and eliminating pork (see pork blog) have been life changing solutions towards maintaining a healthy body.

I encourage you to also take an honest look at your diet and choose the foods that nourish your body and make you feel your best so that you have the energy you need to live life to the fullest.

So now that you know my story, let me top-line why you should avoid artificial sweeteners.

Synthetic Sugar is not found in nature

Synthetic sugar replacements found in foods labelled “low calorie,” “reduced-sugar,” “light,” “no sugar added,” “diet,” “low-fat,” and “sugar-free” may seem like healthier options but the reality is that they often have harmful effects in our body. Including:

  • Weight gain

Artificial sweeteners are marketed to be a great sugar alternative for achieving weight loss, weight maintenance or diabetes management because they add no calories. However, studies show a correlation between obesity and weight gain in both children and adults who consume artificial sweeteners. The notion that artificial sweeteners contribute to weight loss makes sense in theory, however eating these substances actually tricks our body into thinking it needs more energy (calories) making us want to eat more.

  • Increased desire for sweet foods

When we consume artificial sweeteners, some of which are up to 8,000 times sweeter than table sugar, we actually crave MORE sugar and more of the sweet taste on our tongue. Rather than fulfilling a sugar craving by consuming zero calorie sweeteners, we continue to yearn for more sugary foods. 

  • Induced blood sugar disturbance – potentially leading to chronic disease

Since artificial sweeteners tend to increase appetite; weight gain and obesity-related diseases are commonly associated with consumption of artificial sweeteners. Here’s an explanation for this: When we consume artificial sweeteners, our body releases the hormone insulin in response to the sweet taste. Since artificial sweeteners don’t actually cause an increase in blood sugar, this insulin response causes the sugar in our bloodstream to be absorbed into our tissues leading to low blood sugars. This results in sending a signal to our brain that more calories are needed in order for our blood sugar level to return to normal levels. This not only results in unstable blood sugars, which is undesirable for optimal health, metabolism and well-being but could also lead to overeating leading to chronic obesity related diseases.

  • Decreased “good gut bacteria” and immune response

Our body contains thousands of species of microorganisms that play numerous roles in maintaining optimal health. Our gut contains beneficial bacteria that aid in the digestion and absorption of essential nutrients and are also key players in fighting off invaders to keep us healthy. Research shows that artificial sweeteners decrease the diversity of these good bacteria, thereby creating a bacterial imbalance in the body. This can result in poor digestion and reduced immune response. 

A healthy gut = A healthy body 

Categories: Size Secrets